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College Steps recognizes that individualized academic and social support is an essential component of a successful transition to and through college. Contact us today to learn how you can Build Your Future with College Steps.

College Steps offers three levels of support to meet the individualized needs of students. All support levels include an Individualized College Plan (ICP) based on the students needs and goals. College Steps works with families, students, and partnering organizations to determine supports needed for the ICP. Based on this determination,  College Steps then recommends an appropriate level of support necessary to achieve these goals. 

The following rates apply to the 2019-2020 academic year

The majority of College Steps students benefit from full or partial funding to support the cost of College Steps. For additional information about program cost offsets in your region, please contact us.

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Level A - Five hours per week (20 hours per month**) of individualized campus-based support for the academic year. $11,500 for the instructional year.* (only available to privately paying families)

Level B - Fifteen hours per week (60 hours per month**) of individualized campus-based support for the academic year. $18,200 for the instructional year.* (available to all applicants)

Level C - Twenty hours per week (80 hours per month**) of individualized campus-based support for the academic year. $20,400 for the instructional year.* (available to all applicants)

*Individual rates may vary per program. Please contact us for additional detail on costs and cost offset options. 

**Hours divided equally between each week of the month