The College Steps' executive team will be attending the Oregon Disability MegaConference as an invited speaker October 16th through the 18th, 2013 in Eugene Oregon. In its 6th year, the Oregon Disability MegaConference. From the Conference’s website:
“The Oregon Disability MegaConference is a coalition of disability organizations joining together to develop the only statewide disability MegaConference in Oregon. The purpose of the Oregon Disability MegaConference is to provide a cross-disability event bringing together people with disabilities, families, organizations, agencies, professionals, and service providers to learn from each other as well as encourage a statewide dialogue on important shared issues. Together, across all disabilities, we are able to educate, empower, inspire and connect people with disabilities, their family members, and those who support them.”
The College Steps team has been invited to speak on behalf of the innovative service we provide throughout the country.