Reflections on My College Experience

By: Billy Conley

I am pleased to announce that I am graduating on May 14, 2016. I have learned Personal Financial Management, Organizational Management Theory, Fundamentals of Economics, and Quest for Success.

In Quest for Success, I learned all about what college is all about. In Personal Financial Management class, I learned about stocks, marketing, budgeting, W2s, and other forms. In learned in Organizational Management Theory about running a business, how to work with a group, and I learned about different parts of different businesses. In Fundamentals of Economics we have learned so far about supply and demand, increases and decreases in supply, and increases and decreases in demand.

My college experience was well worth four semesters of full, exciting, complicated, fun, helpful and complex experiences. I learned more, I understand all of it, and more information than I ever had to take in all at once. Some of it was extremely hard when others were very easy to do at those times. Work is work, and class is class and fun is fun.

College Steps is sort of like doing and internship and classes, homework, and classwork, and assignments. College comes with more responsibilities to do and follow at the same time as your College Steps experience goes on throughout your two years at Southern Vermont College. Your College Steps experience will be the best time you have ever had.

Southern Vermont College is a very safe, trusting, and in my opinion, this college is the best where I am concerned. There are a lot of events during the day, and at night, and in the evenings, too. You can be on campus full time, or your can be a commuter just like me. I travel about 45minutes to an hour one way, so I have a long ride; the total is 90 minutes to two hours each day I come to campus, total. The college has basketball, softball, soccer, and lacrosse teams. The college has a wide selection of classes which run from health, business, nursing, math, science, history, English, art, music and others which are the subjects and classes offered to students.

Mentors are there to help students and support them. They are out there day and night helping as their work. Darcy is good with what she does, which is helping students and mentors all five days of the week. In college it is always a plus to meet new people, especially at Southern Vermont College.