Kalin Wachsmuth is completing his second semester with College Steps at NCC and has been very active with joining The Voice (NCC Student Newspaper) and also working closely with the Student Activities office to help plan events on campus. Kalin spent a great deal of time writing this article about himself and was quite proud to have it published. Kalin also takes a journalism class at NCC.
Hi all! My name is Kalin, a first year at
NCC and soon to be a second year. I have many
dreams in life like everyone else does, including
the fact that I want to make history someday in
this country while having Autism, a brain disor—
One of my thoughts about Autism is to
to develop Kalin Digital System (KDS), which
will help people with autism and others to learn
about the potential of people who have this par—
ticular learning condition. My idea is to inspire
and advocate, so that people who are on the Autism
spectrum can reach their full intellectual
One thing I liked about NCC is many
students have learning differences like mine.
Other things I enjoy about the college is the ease
of public transportation, the events, the people I
meet and the services provided by the school.
I do believe some improvements can be
made. I think students, including me, can create
more excitement and spirit on campus.
Another thing that could be improved is
the services and how well they are structured. It’s
not that it’s bad; but, there are some things that
could be improved to help students, especially
those with learning differences, become mom
engaged in the educational process.
I have a unique perspective on NCC in
that for one year I attended Western Connecti
cut State University in Danbury. That campus i.
quite different, with dorms, a bigger budget ant
more resources.
That does not mean that it’s a bettel
school, just different.Western Connecticut tendl
to produce bigger events, and has a “West Fest”
which includes carnival rides and concerts witl
popular singers. Norwalk CC, however, also ha
interesting and engaging events. They are jut
not of the scale that is offered at Western.
All in all, my first year has been challeng
ing. At first, I felt isolated. I feel people aren
outgoing enough to reach out to others, even i
my case since I have difficulties making friend
for the most part.
The biggest challenge, though, is balanc
ing social life and coursework, especially when
I may be taking 2-3 classes instead of one nex
Kalin War/erut}: is a reporterfar The Vain