Becky began her College Steps experience thinking that her primary interest was in computers. However, with the help of College Steps Becky realized that she loved working with the people more than with computers, so she shifted her focus a bit, and completed her internship at a local business. Becky was a tremendous presence on campus - she was well known by students, faculty, and staff - and well loved by all. She has many friends in and out of College Steps.

Thanks to the support of College Steps Becky was involved with singing in the student chorus (even performing at Commencement last year), participated in student government and played a prominent role with homecoming last year.
Dave is looking forward to graduating at the end of this semester. When Dave first came to college with the support of College Steps, he wasn’t feeling confident about his academic skills but he quickly realized how much he loved college level learning. Dave excelled in the education classes he took and decided to focus this talent into a career in early childhood education. With the help of College Steps Dave is currently working to complete his Tier 1 teaching certification, and continues his work at a local Childcare Center.