
CHEYENNE’s story

In addition to supporting Cheyenne with her academics on campus, College Steps also helped Cheyenne find and retain a job at Bread & Butter Cafe in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.

Cheyenne thrived in this environment as it supported her passion for baking and dream of owning her own bakery someday. Through her internship at Bread & Butter Cafe she was also able to better identify classes that would help to support her goals. For instance, this experience helped Cheyenne realize the need to take a math class to learn the math skills she’d need to measure and adjust recipe amounts. She also decided to take a business class this Fall ‘19 to advance her understanding of what it might be like if she were to own her own business someday. She worked closely with the staff at Bread & Butter Cafe to increase her skills in food prep and excelled in the College Steps program throughout the year.